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Sunday, November 8, 2015

Memory Forensics: Volatility Usage Sequence

This is just my way of using Volatility for memory forensics. I find this sequence to be the best in order to get the most out of the exercise and it also allows me to make sure that I dont miss any of the basics.

Here we go:

As soon as you have the memory image, copy it on to your forensics machine and start analyzing it using volatility. 

1. Specify the --profile if needed


2. Run both of these modules: 
  • pslist
  • psscan

Run just this module:
  • psxview

3. Run connscan - this will give you all the connections that are being attempted

4. Run sockscan - this will give you all the ports that are being used

5. Run procdump (or procexedump) - this will let you 'dump' the process (get an 'exe' for the process that you are after, out of the mem image)

6. Run dlllist - this will give you a list of all the DLLs (analyzing DLL-injections)

7. Run malfind - this will find the suspicious sections of code for you. This module combines 'pefile' and 'pydasm' both. Very useful. 

8. Run printkey - this will extract the registry keys for you, again, very helpful. 

Virtual Memory

9. Run pslist - this will give you the process list, which you can use for finding virtual memory space for the desired processes

10. Run memdump - this will dump the memory of the process

11. Run driverscan - gives you all the drivers that are on the system memory

12. Run modules and modscan - gives you all modules and drivers loaded on to the system memory

13. Run consoles - give you all the commands that have been used. 

14. Run cmdscan - again, gives you all the commands, only without  the output.

15. Run apihooks -  run this to get a list of all in-line hooks in user and kernel mode. 

16. Run vaddump - finally, this will give you an extraction of mem regions from the VAD tree.

This is the sequence that I always use for any mem analysis job and it works for me. There are other modules that come handy time to time but that is mostly on an ad-hoc basis, as required. 

Hope this helps you in your analysis tasks!

5 RakshaTec: Memory Forensics: Volatility Usage Sequence This is just my way of using Volatility for memory forensics. I find this sequence to be the best in order to get the most out of the exerci...

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