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Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Redhat 7 :: what's new?

Long-awaited (they always are!) new version of RHEL is finally out as RHEL 7 beta and it's got a lot of new stuff (they always do)!

A quick look at some of the stuff that got me excited:

1. Linux Containers : this is huge - don't know what or how this will affect future dev regarding SELinux or if it will at all, at this time. Guess we'll have to stay tuned to Dan Walsh's Blog.

2. GNOME 3: havent tried it yet but from what I hear, it'll be, well, good to to look at!

3. Anaconda kickstart - Active Directory integration: not sure at what point I'll actually use this feature (depends on the systems environment and business needs, I guess) but I'm sure a lot of admins out there would'e wanted this for a long time.

4. OpemLMI: its very important this is not mistaken as a replacement for those devops apps like Chef or Puppet. Not much exists in terms of documentation or production experience regarding OpenLMI at this time.

5. XFS and BTRFS: both of these filesystems are now supported.

6. Dynamic Firewall: this has to be the most important new feature for me. It allows you to change rules on the fly - no need to stop and restart firewall. Well and truly 'firewalld'!

There are a lot of other new features and you can have a look at all of them at the link below. This post just gives you an idea of what's happening and of course, I've picked up what interests me here so do have a look at the official Redhat doc at:

What's new in RHEL 7?

Nothing new on KVM!
5 RakshaTec: Redhat 7 :: what's new? Long-awaited (they always are!) new version of RHEL is finally out as RHEL 7 beta and it's got a lot of new stuff (they always do)! A ...

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