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Saturday, January 25, 2014

Nessus: Offline Plugin update on Linux

Offline Plugins Linux:
1. Generate a challenge code by running the following command:
/opt/nessus/bin/nessus-fetch --challenge

2. Go to https://plugins.nessus.org/offline.php and paste the challenge code, as well as the Activation Code into the appropriate text boxes.

3. After entering the challenge and activation code, the website will produce a link to download the latest Nessus plugin feed, as well as a link to download nessus-fetch.rc at the bottom of the screen. Be sure to save this link as it will be needed each time you want to update your plugins.

4. Copy the nessus-fetch.rc to the following directory: /opt/nessus/etc/nessus/

This will only need to be copied this one time, and not each time you download the plugins.

5. To register your scanner in offline mode, run the following command:
/opt/nessus/bin/nessus-fetch --register-offline /opt/nessus/etc/nessus/nessus-fetch.rc

(Syntax is nessus-fetch --register-offline <file.rc> )

6. Next, copy the all-2.0.tar.gz file downloaded from the website to the Nessus sbin directory, and run the following command:
# /opt/nessus/sbin/nessus-update-plugins all-2.0.tar.gz

7. Once the plugins are installed please rebuild plugins database:
# /opt/nessus/sbin/nessusd -R

8. Finally, restart the Nessus Server which can be done by running the following two commands:

# service nessusd restart
5 RakshaTec: Nessus: Offline Plugin update on Linux Offline Plugins Linux: 1. Generate a challenge code by running the following command: /opt/nessus/bin/nessus-fetch --challenge 2. ...

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